B i o g r a p h y
Through years of experience and training, Nicholas Pitcher has expanded his musical knowledge and skills to provide training and lessons to students around the world. As a dedicated educator and performer, Mr. Pitcher has taught musicians of all ages, skills, and backgrounds to equip them for a musical life. With performances across the US and abroad, Mr. Pitcher has collaborated with groups of all shapes and sizes - from small and large traditional ensembles, fun breakout groups and impromptu holiday concerts, to solos, duos, and more!
Mr. Pitcher is available in the Portland-area and anywhere online to provide music lessons in Bassoon, Piano, and any other instrument you can imagine to all ages, skills, and styles. Lessons in Music Composition, Sibelius Music Notation Software, and Music Arranging are also available at request.
Nicholas Pitcher is a professional bassoonist and musician from New Milford, Connecticut. Beginning his musical training early in life, Mr. Pitcher started piano lessons at the age of 6, learning theory and ear training at the same time. At University of New Hampshire (UNH), Mr. Pitcher diverted his attention fully to bassoon to study Music Education, studying with expert educator and extensive performer Janet Polk as well as working with Dr. Andrew Boysen and Dr. David Upham. Mr. Pitcher found himself in Chengdu, China giving performances advertising for UNH and their exchange program in the summer of 2017, and he later fulfilled his Masters degree at Arizona State University in Bassoon Performance where he worked with many renowned musicians and educators such as Dr. Albie Micklich, Dr. Jason Caslor, and Dr. Jeffery Meyers.